Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Food Fun - Week 18 - Breakfast

1. What time do you wake up on a normal work/school day? 7:30

2. Do you eat breakfast? I don't eat anything usually until about 10:30 or 11:00.
3. Do you like traditional breakfast foods? Which ones? Not early in the morning. Of the traditional foods listed, I'll eat most of them later in the day, but not early. I have never had cream of wheat. It's been a while since I ate oatmeal--the texture isn't appealing to me. I don't drink milk, so I don't eat cereal and milk with or without fruit. I do eat dry cereal sometimes, but only later in the day and only certain ones. I have on occasion made it to McDonalds before too late and bought me a steak McMuffin.
4. Do you prefer lunch/supper foods for breakfast? Which ones? Yes, if I eat anything for breakfast, I'll eat "anything" that I would eat at a later meal...except for breakfast foods.
5. Do you ever eat breakfast for supper? Yes, my parents love it so sometimes that is what we have.
6. What are your favorite breakfast foods? McDonald's steak mcmuffins, hashbrowns, bacon, granola bars.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Friday Food Fun - Week 17 - Fall Festival Foods

1. Do you like cotton candy? Any particular flavor? I like cotton candy. I like cherry the best.
2. Do you like hot dogs? How do you fix yours? Hot dogs are not a favorite of mine, but I do eat them when it's that or nothing. I like them with chili and mustard.
3. Do you like caramel apples? Do you like bobbing for apples? I've never had a caramel apple on a stick but I love to dip apple slices in caramel dip. I have never bobbed for apples, but don't think I would enjoy that.
4. Do you like apple cider? Not really, but I love apple juice.
5. Are there other foods you consider a staple at these events? No.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Food Fun - Week 16 - Seafood

What kind of seafood do you like?

01. Do you like seafood? Yes
02. Do you know anyone who is allergic to seafood? Yes
03. What is your favorite seafood? scallops, sushi
04. Do you have a favorite seafood recipe? no
05. Do you prefer your seafood steamed, boiled, broiled, or fried? I prefer steamed/broiled/boiled.
06. Do you like raw seafood? Yes
07. Do you like sushi? What kinds? Yes, my favorites are crab, caviar, and the seaweed.
08. Do you have a favorite seafood restaurant? The local cheap place (Easley, SC) is Silver Bay. The local more expensive place (Greenville, SC) Red Lobster. The best seafood restaurant I've ever been to was a buffet place in Florida that we went to on our way to Walt Disney World in November 2000. I don't know the name, but it was the best place. If I remember correctly, there was a wooden crab on the front of the building that was bigger than the restaurant.
09. Do you prefer to dip your shrimp in melted butter/margarine or cocktail sauce? margarine
10. Do you like some tarter sauce with your fish, hushpuppies or other seafood? No
11. Do you like hushpuppies? Sometimes
12. Do you like grit cakes? No