Thursday, July 29, 2010

Friday Food Fun - Week 11 - Fresh Vegetable Recipes

Tomatoes: I slice them into wedges, sprinkle salt, pepper, and dill and eat them. Yum!

Bell Peppers: Slice into strips and sprinkle with salt.

Okra: I like to cut the ends off and steam them but my family prefers fried okra. They slice them into pieces about 3/4" wide and dip them in buttermilk and then dip them in cornmeal and fry them up.

Squash and zucchini: Slice and saute with a small yellow onion. Sometimes cover with cheese.

Black eyed peas: boil them in a pan of water, lightly salt them.

Green beans: When available, a little fatback lard or bacon is used, or else, beef bouillion cubes. Also when available, throw in fresh baby potatoes! Also good with sliced almonds.

Corn: sometimes boiled on the cob and buttered, but most of it is cut off and cooked with butter and a little salt.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Food Fun - Week 10 - Summer Produce

Friday Food Fun - Summer Garden Produce:
1. What do you grow? This year we didn't grow anything, although we do have one fig bush and one pecan tree and one pear tree. We usually plant at least tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, bell peppers, squash, and zucchini. We used to plant okra, green beans, hot peppers, jalapenos, cantaloupe, black eyed peas, butter beans, lima beans, colored peas, and more when I was little. One year we did green peas. One year we did potatoes. One year we did peanuts.

2. Do you like everything you grow or is there some stuff you grow only for other people? I didn't like the jalapenos and hot peppers.

3. What are some of your favorite dishes to make with fresh produce (if the recipes are simple, include them)? I love fresh vegetables just cooked. Corn is cooked with a little butter. Green beans are cooked with a little bacon, lard, or bouillion cubes, and during the summer we like to throw in some baby potatoes. Most of family loves fried okra, but though I eat a little fried okra, it's better for you and I enjoy it more when it's steamed. Sometimes, for supper, I will slice up a tomato, a cucumber, and a bell pepper, and I'm happy with just a little salt and pepper on them. Fresh vegetables are awesome.

4. Is there anything you love fresh that you won't eat if it's not fresh? I don't like stewed tomatoes.

5. Are there things you have planted in the past that you no longer plant because you think that store-bought is good enough considering the work you have to do for fresh? Potatoes, green peas, peanuts, green beans, blackeyed peas, lima beas, butter beans, and this year - we didn't plant anything due to traveling and vacations and having a new nephew/grandson that comes to visit.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friday Food Fun - Week 9 - Cheeses

1. What types of cheese do you like? Swiss, Cheddar, Mozzarella, Parmesan, and Smoked Gouda are my favorites that I can remember.

2. Are there any types you won't eat? Processed American cheese

3. Do you like to eat cheese plain, or do you prefer it in a recipe, or both? Both

4. What is one of your recipes where the cheese is an important addition to the dish? Taco Dip

1 pound hamburger meat                    1 tablespoon chili powder
14½ ounces can stewed tomatoes    8 ounces cream cheese
10 ounces Monterrey Jack cheese  10 ounces sharp cheddar cheese

Brown hamburger meat in skillet. Add chili powder and canned tomatoes. Simmer for 30 minutes. Spread cream cheese in bottom of microwaveable dish. Top with meat sauce. Add grated Monterrey Jack cheese and grated sharp cheddar cheese. Heat, uncovered, in microwave for 10 minutes or until hot. Serve with corn chips.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Friday Food Fun - Week 8 - Ice Cream

1. What are your favorite flavors of homemade ice cream? Cherry, peach, strawberry, oreo, mint chocolate chip, and butter pecan

2. What are your favorite brands and flavors of store-bought ice cream? Birthday cake, butter pecan, cherry vanilla, Black cherry, chocolate chip cookie dough, lime sherbet, and orange sherbet - no "favorite" brand

3. What is your absolute favorite ice cream? probably Birthday Cake ice cream (not to be confused with an ice cream cake which I don't care for at all!

4. If you were making an ice cream sundae, what all would you put on it? Vanilla ice cream, chopped nuts, colored sprinkles, butterscotch syrup, caramel syrup, chocolate syrup, and lots of cherries with some juice.

5. Do you prefer to eat out of an ice cream cone or out of a dish? Usually a dish because it's not as messy.

6. Do you prefer a sugar cone, waffle cone, or regular cone? I love sugar cones!

7. Do you prefer to eat your ice cream during the summer or do you love it year-round? I can eat ice cream anytime of year.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Friday Food Fun - Week 7 - Soups

1. Do you only like soup well enough to eat it occasionally during the really cold winter, or do you love it so much you eat it a lot during the hot summer as well? I prefer soup during the winter, but sometimes if it's not too hot I will eat a bowl of soup other times as well.
2. Do you make your own soups or do you usually eat from a can? I usually eat from a can, although there are several soups that I make from scratch also.
3. What are your favorite soups, stews, chowders, broths, or bouillabaisses?
I love Japanese seafood soup, oyster stew, clam chowder, salmon stew, French onion soup, loaded baked potato soup, vegetable beef with barley soup, beef stew, potato soup, chicken vegetable soup, cabbage soup, butternut squash soup, italian wedding soup, tomato soup, and several other canned varieties that I don't remember the name of.
4. Do you prefer heartier stock or simple recipes? Mostly heartier stock.
5. Do you prefer broth or cream-based recipes? cream based
6. Do you prefer milk/cream based or tomato-sauce based recipes? milk/cream based
7. If you have a good soup recipe, please post it.
    I just recently started making this personal version of French onion with a twist.
    1 can beef broth, and based on what I have on hand, diced onion, diced celery, roast beef, and mushrooms. Microwave until hot.
